Jenny & Roy married! San Ramon, CA

I have known both Jenny & Roy since high school, which is where they met & they have been dating ever since!! Of course high school sweethearts have a special place in my heart, since Adam & I have also been dating since high school. Jenny went to Cal Poly too, & Roy lived down there going to Cuesta. So about 2 years ago, they volunteered to model for me for a styled photoshoot I wanted to do at Flying Caballos Ranch in SLO (a venue I love by the way!). I had so much fun with them, & just knew these two would get married one day. Fast forward to New Years of this past year, & Roy proposed to Jenny!! I was so excited for them!!! And this past Saturday, they tied the knot in San Ramon at Wedgewood Golf Club. It was the earliest wedding I've ever photographed (started at 7:30am haha), but it was a blast!!! Now I'm jealous that these two are sitting on the beach in Hawaii ;) Enjoy their preview!

Check out their engagement session here!! Some Valentine's Day fun + the beach!


Jenny giving presents to her bridesmaids, and these are her 2 sisters below

lonesome trees like this one below are my favorite!

Roy gave each groomsmen a different set of cufflinks as their gift

They opted not to see each other, but instead stood around the corner from each other and exchanged cards and a few words before the ceremony

This is amazing...

the cake was so beautiful!

And a little Spiderman for Roy ;)


Florist: Sarah's Garden

Cake: Eiland Cakes

Cupcakes: Wicked Sweets