Natira & Matt married! Santa Barbara, CA

Natira and Matt met at a running group at Leadbetter Beach in Santa Barbara, near Santa Barbara City College and the marina. After the run, the group meets up at a local restaurant for dinner and beer.  Their mutual friend Brian introduced them casually after a run one night.  They had a chance to talk when they both showed up for dinner after.  Matt was already seated and just happened to have had an open seat next to him when Natira walked in.  He was planning on running the Eugene Marathon that spring, which was a coincidence when he found out that Natira was from Eugene, Oregon. Ski season was in full swing and they talked about going skiing one weekend in the near future together!

As Matt racked his brain to think of a proposal location, he remembered Leadbetter Beach, where they met.  He thought that proposing on a beach in Santa Barbara at sunset was just the romantic touch he wanted. It was a few days before his birthday so he had a cover story for making reservations at a restaurant in town. When they arrived at the beach, it was busier then he had expected. Many thoughts went through his mind, including the fact that he didn't want to give a beachcomber with a medal detector the find of a lifetime because he fumbled the ring and dropped it onto a sandy beach. He also didn't want any familiar faces to see either of them while on an evening run or bike ride, through this area they come to often.

After finding the perfect unoccupied spot, they watched the boats and talked about how beautiful the evening was.  Matt then said,"I could think of something that would make the night even better." That moment was when he got down on one knee and pulled the little box out of his pocket.  He took out the ring and placed it on Natira's finger as he said, "Natira Elizabeth Girard Jones will you marry me?"  He got half way through saying her full name before almost being overwhelmed by emotion when he saw tears of joy coming from Natira's eyes.  He paused momentarily before collecting himself and finished with the proposal.  A "Yes, I'd be honored," came from her lips.

Vendors: Stow House // Sharone Brimer at GLOW  //  S.R. Hogue & Company //  C'est Cheese  //  Lynzi at Shine Blow Dry Bar  //

Check out their Los Olivos engagement session!

Natira & Matt decided to do a "First Look" and see each other before the ceremony. Even with doing this, Natira still teared up as her dad walked her down the aisle towards Matt.

Love these two moments below that Adam captured! He's their cute little nephew :)

Possibly one of the cutest things ever. Big thanks to Adam for capturing this sweet moment!